Bob Dylan sang “the times they are a’ changin’” – that certainly holds true for the economic times in which we live today. A separation from employment has consequences for both employer and employee, for obvious reasons. If an employee is terminated as part of a layoff or other “no-fault” circumstances, he/she is entitled to unemployment compensation as long as certain conditions (length of employment, for example) are met. Often, however, the reasons for the separation are disputed and entitlement to unemployment compensation becomes a contested issue, and there is a lot at stake for parties. Northampton Law has delivered experienced representation for both employers and employees and, given our extensive experience in other areas of litigation, can insure that the facts supporting our client’s position are presented in a way that will maximize the chances of success. We also have the ability to counsel clients during the process of separation from employment, so that defining the circumstances after the fact does not become an exercise in recall and subjectivity.