Being charged with, or even guilty of, a “crime” does not necessarily make one a “criminal”. Attorney David Mintz understands that good people can end up in bad situations. That being said, expert legal representation in these situations is critical to achieving a just and satisfactory outcome. In this area of practice we will explore every potential defense, including illegal police conduct, lack of critical proof, or creative challenges to the law; but whether it means humanizing a responsible client and arguing passionately for the best possible disposition, or throwing flaming barrels of oil in the path of the prosecution at every stage of the criminal process, our representation will be of the highest quality, both personally and professionally. Our attorneys have earned the respect of judges, court personnel, and prosecutors and have achieved extraordinary success over the years defending criminal charges of all nature, including:
- motor vehicle offenses (including DUI/OUI or “operating under the influence of alcohol”);
- drug possession/distribution/trafficking;
- sex offenses/child pornography;
- property crimes (robbery/breaking & entering/larceny)
- theft/embezzlement
- crimes of violence (assault/battery/domestic violence)
- stalking/criminal harassment
- manslaughter/vehicular homicide
- probation violations
- restraining order violations
Finally, it is worth mentioning that our criminal defense team has developed special expertise dealing with veterans’ issues as they relate to criminal charges. If you are a veteran charged with a crime, and your lawyer hasn’t mentioned Massachusetts’ “Valor Act” (a new law which requires certain court procedures in criminal cases involving a veteran), you should definitely give us a call.